“Hands For Hope” represents all the things Saratoga Casino Hotel does in the community, from support for the personal causes of our team members, to our annual charitable donations made to local organizations, to the thousands of hours volunteered by our team members in their communities. The Hands For Hope initiative brings these things together and represents our belief in the importance of supporting the communities where we live and work.

As part of our commitment to giving back to the community, Saratoga Casino Hotel has a dedicated donations program lead by a committee of team members, as well as a foundation that was established in conjunction with the horsemen.

Saratoga Casino Hotel Foundation

Above and beyond our charitable giving efforts, we joined with our horsemen to create the Saratoga Casino Hotel Foundation. This organization’s board includes local community leaders and is funded primarily by us. The grants awarded yearly through this collaboration with our local leaders and horsemen have totaled nearly $200,000.

Saratoga Casino Hotel | Saratoga Springs, New York

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