Mister Muscle (Muscle Mass) has emerged as the new stable star at Saratoga Casino Hotel for leading conditioner Melissa Beckwith. On Sunday, the five year old won the Open Trot for the third time in his last four tries. Mister Muscle won his first career Open last month and followed that victory up with another in his following start. After a second-place finish last Sunday, it was back to the winner’s circle for Mister Muscle this week after he cruised out to the early lead in the $18,000 Open and coasted through a first half in 57.4 before remaining untested in three quarters of 1:27.2. Longshot Cartier Volo (Frank Coppola Jr.) took her shot first-over on the leader past three quarters but the chase was futile. Pocket-sitter Wings Of Royalty, the race’s 3-5 betting favorite, didn’t prove to be a threat in the stretch to the eventual winner Mister Muscle who stopped the timer in 1:56.3 for his third victory in the Open in the last four tries. Cartier Volo finished second while Wings Of Royalty, last week’s Open winner, had to settle for third. With the earnings from the feature score, Mister Muscle moved his career bankroll to over the $200,000 mark. The winner paid $4.50 to win and led an exacta that came back $25. The rising trotting star is owned by Patricia Schneeberger of Valatie, NY.
Live racing resumes on Wednesday afternoon with a first post set for 12 Noon.
Mike Sardella
Photo: Melissa Simser-Iovino